I'm sure everyone knows by now, but I'll summarize anyways. Last weekend we went with all the Mitchells to Idaho Falls to see the air show, which was at Dave's client, the IF Airport. Right before we were leaving the hotel, Rosy's fingers got shut in the hinge side of our hotel door. In medical speak, they were "avulsed from below the nail to the tip". (Avulsed means pulled or plucked off.) We rushed her to the ER where God in His grace, brought us a hand surgeon who was very good at hand surgery and kind to Rosy as well.
This is Rosy while we waited for him to come - he was in surgery fixing someone else's hand emergency.

After Dr. Wilson sewed her fingers back together. Tired but not in pain, thank God.

A long day - she was incredibly brave through it all.
Today we went for her 1 week dressing change. We had no idea that it would be terrible.

Sorry if this is too gross - does the blurriness help?

The bandages were stuck and it was pretty painful to get them off. It caused the middle finger to start bleeding. 2 hours later it had saturated her entire bandage. We went back at noon where Dr. Andy did a digital block and cauterized it. It didn't seem to stop the bleeding, so he wrapped it tightly while he went to consult a surgeon. The surgeon told him to do a tourniquet wrap for 15-20 minutes to see if it would stop. While he was on the phone, I prayed with Dave & Rosy that God would stop the bleeding so we could go home and not on to a hand surgeon. When Dr. Andy unwrapped it to do the tourniquet it had stopped bleeding. Thank you, God for giving the answer we wanted and showing Rosy the power of prayer.

Here she is with her new slightly darker pink bandage -- after a nap and some Tylenol and Motrin.
oh my word how brave she was. that had to be very hard on mom & dad, too. so sorry it happened, so glad God showed how amazing He is in times of trouble.
ReplyDeleteRosy, you get a big prize for being such a brave little girl! If that was my hand, I'm sure there would be lots of tears and complaining. :-) How awesome that God chose to show Himself to Rosy in answering prayer.
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord! I am so glad that she is doing well and that it looks like her fingers will be able to heal! What a tramatic experience, but what a testimony you were to Rosy about God's goodness!